Tamjid Hasan Fahim

Passionate Learner | I Love to Build Things & Make Them Work | Problem Solver | ML Enthusiast
Undergraduate Computer Science & Engineering Student
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology


About Me

Greetings, I am Tamjid Hasan Fahim.

CS undergrad sophomore at RUET. Wannabe a real computer scientist. Aspiring polymath.

Currently grinding in DSA & Competitive Programming.

Exploring the research areas.

ML/DL/CV Enthusiast. Building Dormitory one piece at a time.

INTP. Interested in architecture, aviation, cognitive science, car & technology. Fascinated by low-level workings. Amazed by oceans, forests & mountains. 


Dormitory: Dormitory is a web-based platform designed to connect passionate students, educators, enthusiasts and geeks, fostering the advancement of a collective knowledge-base. 

This project is in development phase.
View Repository

ODE solver: http://tamjidfahim02.pythonanywhere.com/
Source Code

Python-backed web application to solve non-homogeneous ordinary differential equations (ODEs) utilizing Python libraries like Pandas & NumPy. 

Library Management System: http://tamjid02.pythonanywhere.com/
Source Code

This webapp provides the basic functionalitites like logging in and out, profile view, book management features like checking out, viewing, returning and wish-listing books. I believe it has a lot more scopes to be improved. 

Language & Framework Proficiency

C (Intermediate)
C++ (Intermediate)
Python (Intermediate)
Django (Intermediate)
SQL (Intermediate)
JavaScript & React (Learning)
Java & Swing (Naïve)
HTML & CSS (Naïve)


My Solved Problems Directory: https://heytamjid.notion.site/Solved-Problem-Directory-Problem-Based-Learning-Model-4f62760cb82940fca046054441cb93e7
After solving an interesting problem, I try to set back & analysis the problem, my approach and which thing I missed out.

Academic Notes: https://heytamjid.notion.site/Uni-Academic-Notes-ad9009c5b52c4f4a9cd5dcf3589dc0d3?pvs=4
Academic notes I've made for personal reference and hence not that organized and complete. If you are my junior from RUET CSE, I can help you with some more organized materials I guess, please contact me.

Blog: Where I share my learning journey & thoughts. https://earthcatalog.wordpress.com/

SQL: https://heytamjid.notion.site/mySQL-d68e61aaa5604fe7afd9f427f13c75f3

BYeah Cyber Security Course: https://heytamjid.notion.site/BYeah-Cyber-Security-58fae9b545f64eaa9ee3df52c4a32351?pvs=4

I've also joined some other online courses including CS50, CS50W, Python for Everybody and Django for Everybody